துறைமுகத்தில் மோட்டார் சைக்கிள் பேரணி

மனிதநேய மக்கள் கட்சியின் மத்திய சென்னை வேட்பாளர் செ. ஹைதர்அலி இன்று (10-05-09) நூற்றுக்கணக்கான இரு சக்கர மோட்டார் சைக்கிள் மூலம் வாக்கு சேகரித்தார்.


  1. To break the second class citizen mentality, Indian Muslims should think about making Muslim candidates as PM of India and CM of Tamil Nadu in next 10 years:

    Just look at the elections. Everyone takes Muslims for a ride. Muslim vote bank is becoming irrelevant in the win/loss of a candidate. 250 million Muslims are standing as silent spectators expecting that a great saviour will emerge one day from nowhere, pull them out of their political "shutradom", and will put them on par with other political Brahmans.

    If someone says that a Muslim can become the next CM of Tamil Nadu in less than 10 years, it will sound like some sort of travesty and blasphemy on Indian politics. It is just impossible for 20% Indian Muslims to make a Muslim candidate as the next CM of Tamil Nadu, even if they vote en masse.

    It is definitely possible if they can send the right message to the 80% Hindus and win their support. If Muslims can think about the magic formula required to win the support from 80%, it will automatically push them out of second class mentality.

    Is it possible?. What Indian Muslims should do to make a Muslim as the next CM of Tamil Nadu and PM of India?.

  2. Indian Muslim leadership will bring peace in the subcontinent because the Muslim world will force bad elements in neighbouring countries to cleanup their act and behave properly. It will openup the gateway of business opportunities and millions of jobs with 55 OIC nations.

    USA has failed and lost the trust of the Muslim world. It is seen as a threat and invader of Muslim countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. India commands very high respect in the Muslim world and is home to 250 million Muslims.

    It is impossible for us to eliminate poverty and bring better quality of life for 1.2+ billion population even after 100 years. Population grows but land and resources won't. We need to move atleast 50% of our population outside India to save India. Muslim leadership will create opportnity and protocols for 250 million Muslims to live, work and settle in 55 OIC nations with around 700 million living in 45 OIC nations which has combined lands and resources of more than 15 India.

    If we don't act, there will be civil war and chaos in another 10 years. You and i will become refugees in our own land and the ship will sink.

    Read this blog:



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