Muslims in Parliament of India-2009

இந்திய நாடாளுமன்றத்திற்கு தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப் பட்டுள்ள முஸ்லிம் எம்.பிகளின் தொகுப்புபடம் பெரியதாக தெரிவதற்கு படத்தின் மேல் கிளிக் செய்யவும்


  1. The big problem is getting the right quality Mulsim Parliament members, rather than getting the quantitity.

    There are many namakewaste Muslim Parliament members who bear Muslim names and born to Muslim parents, ( people like Salman Rushdie)but in politics they behave much worse than the enemies of Muslims by following the party line.

    So we need Muslim Members of Parliament regardless of their political affiliations, but hold fast to Iman and the basic
    principles and prcatices of Islam.

    I remember when Madam Jayalalita introduced a Bill in Madras LA banning conversion from one religion to another... this law is in total violation of agreed International Laws on freedom of religious practices, and this bill was introduced by a Muslim MLA of Jayalalitha's party..Why did raja Muhammad agree to do this?

    So my point is what is the point in having such a Muslim MLA belonging ADMK( or any other party) if he is going to sell his soul and his religious principles for staying in political power.

    Muslims have to do a lot of reserach and come up with excellent ideas to empower Mulsims in politics but at the same time without compromising their God Given Faith called Monothesim.


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